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About Voxema

Voxema AB was founded to develop a digital voice amplifier based on the specific needs of individuals. A program was constructed which accommodates the needs of various types of voice problem and copes with the commonest requirements of everything from voice fatigue to permanent voice problems. An analogue voice amplifier only amplifies sound including all speech defects, but a program can clarify and remove disturbing aspects, such as smacking sounds and other annoying sounds. Read more about this under the heading, “Why digital?”

This work has been performed in close cooperation with various speech therapists, who explained different voice situations and needs. The voice amplifier and its program have been tested on a number of patients, including those who experience the greatest difficulty – patients who have had a larynx operation. We have made considerable demands on the program, which was developed in cooperation with Lundinova AB who have extensive experience and competence in the area of sound, and sound reproduction. This took 3_ years, and series manufacture is now in progress.

Voxema AB is a private Swedish company. We are interested in solving various types of voice problem connected to communication and work environment. The company’s registered office is in Västerås, the program was developed in Lund, and the physical amplifier is made in Asia. Voxema AB works close to the users, and the product is sold and hired out via our web store. Of course, the product is also sold to county councils and retailers throughout the world, and also direct to private individuals.

Solarit AB tar över Voxema 2018-02-09

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